Every Bram-Cor SMPT – Multiple Effect Distiller is designed and manufactured according to cGMP and produced compendial Water for Injection. Each unit contains a number of boiling columns (or effects, stills) with the first column producing pure steam, which is condensed and re-distilled in the following columns decreasing the operational costs. Heating for evaporation and cooling for condensation processes are […]
Bram-Cor works following an ISO 9001:2008 certified quality system. Planning, monitoring, testing, identification and recording are baseline issues of our work, from system design to system validation. Continuous Q.A.S. improvement is pursued through a scrupulous assessment of any non-conformity, reflected in the steady revision of our working procedures. No one pharmaceutical critical system is really the same, each plant has different technical features. Achieving pharmaceutical quality at a good quality/price ratio whilst offering the highest customization is our goal: Bram-Cor ensures professional support throughout the system lifecycle, thanks to a rigorous teamwork.